Now, I’m no football expert, but I’m pretty certain that if MOI were a football team – after declaring ourselves an independent nation, of course – we’d win the world cup. Easily.
You see, you can’t play a good game of football if the players don’t have strong connections with each other. And that doesn’t happen if they’re constantly leaving the team – a high staff turnover can be disastrous for any agency. I’m proud of Team MOI’s low turnover rate. While not everyone’s been here as long as I have, people tend to stick around because they love our playstyle.
It needs to remain fluid, even when you have the same players around long-term. Nobody uses 4-4-2 anymore. Stick to the same formation and tactics and the competition will suss you out. You need to keep them guessing. So Team MOI keeps pushing boundaries with our creativity, producing things nobody’s seen before to outmanoeuvre every other team.
You may have the strikers adding flair and creativity, the defenders making sure we don’t throw the game away, and the midfield holding everything together, but no one player can take the credit for a team win. Every player on Team MOI is equally important. We have a flat hierarchy where every voice is heard and where everyone is free to bring their own unique skills, personality and styles to the pitch.
We even have a masseuse come in every last Friday of the month to keep the team relaxed and able to perform at their best. Having pizza for lunch on the same day isn’t great for nutrition, I admit.
Our fans are great too – we’re fortunate to have clients who really get what we do and cheer us on to win countless awards.
But let’s not forget the real reason we keep winning. It’s our mascot, Bertie.
Please stay tuned for my golf-related post, where I explain why MOI always gets hole-in-ones.